ELCINA Semiconductor Special Interest Group



ELCINA Semiconductor Special Interest Group aims to become a catalyst for the development of Semiconductor Manufacturing Industry in India. A credible voice to enable Policies that support Semiconductor manufacturing industry, Initiatives that engage all the stakeholders and create Value in terms of knowledge, human resource, and a vibrant business environment.

Objectives :

  • Bring best-in-class Global (SEMI) and Indian leading Manufacturers together to enable supply-chain ecosystem for semiconductor-electronics manufacturing
  • Engage with stakeholders including government (centre and state), regulators and opinion leaders
  • Highlight the significance & contribution of upstream manufacturing in the sector
  • Support Indian/global industry for semiconductor-electronics manufacturing from India
  • Skill development; mission mode development of skilled manpower for Semiconductor industry

How :

  • Stakeholder Meetings – Regular deliberations and brainstorming to match the pace required for this high-tech industry
  • Policy Advocacy – Interfacing with the Government to streamline the processes and roadblocks
  • Knowledge Sharing Sessions / Expert led sessions/ Publications – Creating awareness from the grassroot level
  • Events for networking and business development – Industry Platform for
  • Standardization – Adopting international standards and modifying according to Indian market conditions

Deliverables :

  • SIG Committee members – Bunch of highly enthusiastic individuals, having core expertise in the Semiconductor domain willing to contribute to the development of Indian Semiconductor Industry.
  • Skill Development – Specialized Semiconductor Skill development program in association of ESSCI. Adding Electronics in curriculum as early as std 8 to develop curiosity and awareness among new generation
  • Supply Chain Event – Source India to be expanded to embrace semiconductor supply chain includes chemicals, gases, tools, parts and design
  • Semicon India – A platform for global leader to meet, interact and share knowledge
  • Eco System Development – Coordinating all the stakeholders, combining the output of above-mentioned activities to ensure the desired Eco-System is in place.

Structure :